Guatemala, Jaguars, Youth hostels and El Salvador…

We entered Guatemala on the Holy Friday of Easter and immediately felt better about leaving Belize early. Unlike the border town of San Ignacio, there were no shortage of open shops, places to eat or people on the streets. However, another problem arose because of the holiday – public transport was non-existant at the time. The taxis offering rides at customs did not look trustworthy, so we decided to hitch-hike again.

After getting our hands full of some local Quetzals, we walked at least 5 kilometers unsuccessfully stopping cars. Scorching heat and no shade was too much to bear until we gave up and accepted a ride from a random local. Entering the National Park of Tikal after 3 PM allowed us to stay overnight in the camping area where we rented a few hammocks. A deck of cars, couple of beers and a nice fire were the ingredients for an easy evening.

Staying overnight 17 kilometers deep into the Jungle of Tikal is a different experience in itself. Surroundings come to life slowly – from the greenish blinking firefly in the grass to the scary roars of Jaguars all around you. Even a few steps inside the Jungle in search of wood makes you shiver and hope there aren’t any eyes following your steps. Once I am asleep, not many things can wake me, but my friend was afraid even to get out of the hammock the whole night. The next morning we had one of those breath-taking moments, while enjoying amazing views of the endless Jungle from the Temple IV. It was perfect weather to explore one of the largest archaeological sites of Maya civilization, which is believed to have had a population of up to 90,000 inhabitants in the glory days.

Next stop was youth hostel in Flores – a tiny island on the Lake Peten Itza. Meeting fellow backpackers is bound to make you drink more beers and share awesome stories. I treated myself to some tasty and cheap food throughout our stay, while topping it with more puffs of the green stuff. Our decision on the next destination was influenced by other travelers from hearing stories about this place, called Semuc Champey.

The whole journey to the town of Lanquin took 9 hours, quite a trip, considering the fact that we drove 256 km. Funny how Google maps label it as a 3,5 hour ride. Just so you know, central Guatemala has a few mountains, combining it with crappy roads and way too many speed bumps, oh, our shuttle managed to run out of gas as well. However, everything was forgotten from the first sight of our new place. The Zephyr Lodge is located on top of the mountain, with the river flowing at the bottom and the picture perfect scenery can be soaked in from the bar, room, patio or even a shower (!).

The first night started gazing at the stars and the “reversed” Big Dipper with a guy from US and a girl from Birmingham along with the shared spliff of peace. The morning hike took care of the hangover remains, a swim in the natural pools of Semuc Champey washed all the sweat and an expedition to the underground caves made for the perfect day. Four nights in the hostel were plenty of time to party hard, achieve the world-class laziness, smack beers tubing down the river, test out hammocks or continue promoting Lithuania as a travel destination.

After another 9 hour ass-torching ride we reached Antigua – the most touristy town in Guatemala. Having breakfast with the volcano in the background or admiring the architecture of Spanish Baroque were not the worst ways to spend time. We also met at least 10 people from our previous hostels, confirming that we are in that same Gringo Trail. Antigua is perfect for a day trip, but if you are not planning to climb any volcanoes around, enroll in Spanish lessons or party hard(er), there is not that much to do. Add to being way over the travel budget and two nights sound about right with the last destination in this country looming.

Lake Atitlan is an actual crater of a Volcano and is considered one of Guatemala’s true gems with mountains, other volcanoes and settlements creating one-of-a-kind environment. The town of San Pedro is a tiny rendition of Amsterdam (or Vancouver) for another specific matter. Even though we didn’t hit the weather on the spot this time, there were plenty of activities for the three days. Boat rides around the lake, random hiking/climbing, benefits of the sauna or horse-back riding combined with frozen chocolate bananas or to die for. Since the sky wasn’t gracious enough to give us at least one clear day, we decided to move down south, skipping a few other things. After a quick introduction to the Pacific ocean in Monterrico it was time for another coastal town in El Salvador.

The original plan of an overnight stay in El Tunco was broken up instantly. A simple hostel at the heart of town, steps away from the beach and a whole bunch of cool people. From locals to Aussies, crazy Germans or chilled out Americans. Quite a few first times too – hitching a truck, riding the waves, jumping waterfalls or making out with Salvadorian chicas. I would lie if I said my leg was never shaking before getting airborne from a 15 meter waterfall to splash into the water. I would also regret if I would not push myself that extra step in moments like these. Lots of fruit for breakfast, smoothies with rum, beers overlooking the waves, getting smacked by the pacific waters and flipping the crazy switch for Saturday’s fiesta loca. Saying the four days were just entertaining would be a vast understatement, at least.

We left El Tunco by sticking out the thumb once again. A few rides in the back of a pick-up truck, arriving in Honduras in total darkness and the tale continues…

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12 days in Mexico – Vamos a la Playa, Maya and Hitch-Hiking…

Starting the summer early this year was something I planned to do for a while. It is hard not to fall in love with a lifestyle, where flip-flops are more important than my beloved black coat. The beautiful beaches in Vancouver made me addicted to sand and the ocean, so I planned to visit Thailand after my Working Holiday in Canada. My friend wanted to travel to India, so we decided on Mexico. Mind you, Caribbean Sea is not too shabby of a destination as well.

It all started when I met my friend at the Cancun airport. I brought two  mickeys of Fireball (yes, that disgustingly awesome cinnamon whiskey) from Canada and we popped one open immediately at the bus stop. We met our first Couchsurfers¹ a couple of hours later and decided to get some more beverages for the evening. The next few days were filled with a lot of sun, street tacos, little sleep, oh, and did I mention the color of the Caribbean? Truly amazing Sea, combined with the warm breeze and soft sand. Bob Marley songs, chicas morenas, micheladas², stupid things at night and a totally different approach to daily life.

Next stop – Playa del Carmen, another party town going south, just an hour away. This time we stayed with a friend back from my high school, who has been working and enjoying the benefits of Playa for a while. Three Lithuanian party animals in Mexico sounded just too good. Once again, plenty of Dos Equis beer buckets on the beach, tequilla shots, food of the local specialty and even more night clubs. This town definitely beats Cancun in the convenience category as the beach is just steps away from anywhere you walk around. After four sleepless nights, we thanked our friend for the stay and moved on.

The first break from partying came when we reached Tulum, a backpacker rather than a tourist destination. The Mexican host took us to the (in)famous Maya calendar in the Town square and of course showed the cheapest place to get beer. We rented bikes the other day, enjoyed fresh fruit on the beautiful beach, had the first taste of Mexican marijuana and  went to wash the salt of the sea away in a cenote.³ I would recommend Tulum for everyone who is tired of the constant clubbing in resort towns and wants to just relax on the beach. At least for a day trip.

Hitch-hiking was something we decided to try next, since the Yucatan area in Mexico is one of the safest, there would not be problems. Sure enough, waving our host goodbye and sticking our thumbs out, we had to wait just 10 minutes for the first ride. The guy was driving home to Merida for the weekend and spoke only Spanish, which was perfect for improving my language skills. I realized that I lost my Spanish – English phrasebook in Tulum, which literally sucks, although I am over it now. Along the way, we made a stop at one of the new Seven World Wonders – Chichen Itza. It is believed to have been one of the largest Mayan populated cities, with a lot of secrets covering the surroundings. We came at a very touristy time, when there was a bunch of people walking around, inspite of that, the whole are takes your breath away. We were driven straight to the address of another new place in Merida.

I guess you get the picture by now – couchsurfing usually turns to beers as the starting point, continuing with a party well into the night. Oh god, they do like to party in Merida. After an introduction to the nightlife on the first evening, our host took us to a house where everybody was preparing to watch the Honduras – Mexico football match. The day started by curing hangover with micheladas, swimming in the pool, enjoying 40+ degrees and meeting a lot of great Mexican people. We were invited to different homes and treated very nicely, the whole day was full of house parties and went on without stopping. To be exact we came back home at around 7AM the next morning. One of the worst hangovers. Ever. A party that lasted around 20 hours and dehydration coupled with heat and humidity in Merida made us stay there one day extra. We still feel bad that we went to see the cool colonial city, but ended up just partying all the time. It was amazing in another sense though, just two random Lithuanians and a bunch new Mexican friends.

The next day, we managed to catch a couple more free rides before we reached Tulum. We went to say hi to our friend and stood on the road with a sign saying “Chetumal”, once again. When it seemed we were destined to spend the night in Tulum, another car stopped. It was a couple from Europe travelling around the world, lucky enough, they were going to the same destination. We enjoyed the great conversations from the start, views of a lightning storm like never before and a great dinner after the drive. We reached the only available youth hostel in town just before midnight and went to sleep immediately after the shower. Exhausted and happy, with the thoughts of Belize coming next.

The whole experience now feels like a big, endless party. There is still a long way to go, many places to see, many people to meet and more fun to be had. Time for youth hostels, for unexplored places, for travelling. Mexico was great, but I feel we are just getting started…


¹Couchsurfing – for those of you who do not know…you are missing out. It is a safe, unconventional and an awesome way of travel, while meeting locals at the same time. Check it out!

²Michelada – a popular Mexican drink. Tomato/clamato juice mixed with beer with a lot of variations available – tabasco, salt, lime or whatever you feel like.

³Cenote – deep natural cave with fresh water, surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites. It is believed the sinkholes formed, because the meteor who killed dinosaurs hit the Yucatan area.

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That feeling is back or…from Cancun towards south…

As I am writing this piece, I find myself on one of the true gems of Canada. Sea-to-Sky Highway in British Columbia mesmerizes with a combination of snow covered mountains, ever green forests, frozen lakes, curvy rivers and blue skies above it all.

I still remember my first moments in this country like it was yesterday. I wanted to live in Vancouver, Whistler and experience the benefits of Road-tripping. I had no clue, but I had an idea, which was exactly what mattered most. Things have an unexplainable way of working out, as long as you believe and take action. Perfect way doesn’t exist for a traveler, but as Rolling Stones would say:

“You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need…”

There’s a reason to use the word Beautiful whenever British Columbia is mentioned, just like on those license plates all around. Beautiful people, beautiful nature, beautiful life can be truly appreciated only by the ones living here. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity of spending an amazing year of my life in Canada.

However, all good things come to an end, time to move on has come. The normal way would be to pack my bags and go home, but I am not prepared to take the easy route just yet. I feel like that junkie on the corner buying drugs, travel seems like an addiction.

A new journey awaits impatiently and I get goosebumps just thinking about it. The wait is finally over, backpack is ready, basics of Spanish are in my mind, no more planning is needed. Next stop – the country of tequila, sombrero and a lot of spicy experiences. If you go for it – you might as well go big!

This is the blueprint of my upcoming journey. It WILL be changed several times, for sure.

Hasta luego!

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Travelling, hangover of life and bears

After my summer in Vancouver, working hard, partying and enjoying downtown, I saved up a little money. Theoretically, I could’ve gone back to Lithuania and live for half a year without worrying about my budget. But what‘s the fun in that? So I went along with my roadtrip plans and moved to Whistler in November.

My new home is a three story house, surrounded by forests and mountains, a 10 minute bus ride away from the always-busy Village. I switched my ocean-view room, to a cozy corner in a basement. I met the warmest and most awesome elderly couple yet. The landlord is a true 75-year old Canadian, smoking doubies with his wife everyday from 4:20 PM. We also have a 50-something roommate who loves baking fresh brownies and cookies from her pot-butter reserve. A total of 9 people are living at this house, where days become slow and peaceful.

Whistler is a luxury resort town, attracting skiing and snowboarding junkies from all over the world. Endless count of restaurants, shops, pubs and disco’s make the Village a never-boring area. Every sign reminds you this being a bear country. Never feed them, never pretend dead and, most importantly, try not to surprise them. It’s not a problem through winter, but I was lucky enough to encounter one before the snow. Yes, lucky. Imagine standing outside of a bar, while an enormous teddy-bear shows up at the alley, looks up and glides past, 3 meters away from our group, only to disappear in the dark. Not your usual cat or dog.

While I brought back a lot of memories on my SD card from the trip, my other card reminded my bankrupt balance, enough for maybe a rough week. I can call October the best month of my short years, while November has to be on the other side of the list, starting from scratch once again. It‘s not fun barely making rent, getting 2 shifts a week or making pasta every day. The struggles are inevitable, but the way they are chosen to be tackled is a definition of oneself. Without anyone to lean back on, if you ask me. Sometimes I think, I put myself into a difficult position on purpose, only to see if I can climb back up. I would recommend this medicine as a cure to general bullshit and the unimportant things in our lives.

Travelling looks as glamorous as it is hard. If you don‘t have the discipline to replace a beer at the bar with a tea at home, gas in your car with a bus ticket or consider not buying an iPhone every year…it’s not for you. I may be wrong… but you never know until you try. The bulb lights up when the switch is flipped.

All of it won‘t matter when you are 50, right? By then, you can afford any hotel, travel any country and have even more fun. As if you are in your 20s…

I bought a new backpack yesterday, it doesn‘t seem wise taking my rolling luggage for the next destination. I feel unprepared for what lies ahead, but the unknown becomes more exciting. Summer should start in March this year…

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

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Roadtrip Story. Part III. West Coast and F’d over in Vegas…

I made the last train to Newark Airport with 5 minutes to spare, just enough to figure out how to get a ticket and hop on. My flight was due at 5 in the morning, so I spent the time thinking about what lies ahead, while abusing the most widely available drug there is – coffee and cigarettes. Because of the time zone changes, my 8-hour real-time journey from New Jersey to Seattle actually took 5, a chapter for my own time travel.

My Canadian friend from Vancouver was already waiting for me at the airport. It was great to see Roger, catch up and get down to business – booked a hotel in Las Vegas, bought some snacks, water, fruits to keep us alive on the road. We knew our destination was Sin City three days from now and we agreed to not plan too much and just go.

We reached Portland in the dark after 5 hours of driving. Imagine the excitement on our faces when we found Dockside, a saloon with the same name as our restaurant in Vancouver. Few beers later it was my turn to drive. We didn’t stop through the night, driving more than 1000 km until the sunrise. It was long ride that included me almost hitting the wall with the car and being stopped by a state trooper somewhere in Oregon. Through the other part of the night I kept making wishes… a meteor shower was in full swing – shooting stars were showing up in the sky every few minutes, beauty at its best.

Next morning we arrived to Twin Falls – a little town in Idaho. After breakfast and some back-flips into the local pool we had an eyeful of the local attractions, met some lovely people and refilled our resources in the car with some Jim Beam. With new tires we were prepared to face the roads of south Utah and another night drive was on the way. Salt Lake City turned out to be one of the worst experiences. Upon the exit of Utah’s capital, an endless road of works with police vehicles on every corner continued for around 100 kilometers. A sense of relief appeared when we finally found the right direction and sailed into a cool and calm desert.

On the second day the scenery had changed dramatically – from ever-green forests and clear lakes to endless prairies, enormous rock formations at the desert. Lithuanian flag was proudly sailing in the wind hanging out the sunroof as we entered Arches national park. We hiked up to witness “Utah’s business card” – an amazing natural rock sculpture called the Delicate Arch, formed in centuries by Mother Nature. Up next was Valley of the Gods and a 17 mile dirt road with breath-taking views and a drifting performance from my friend on the twisty turns. We stopped at a souvenir market at the border of Arizona and ended up staying until the sunset. Our new friends – a bunch of native guys helped us to finish the Jim Beam, killed our thirst with their own beers and even sang some traditional songs. Best of all, we got to shoot some guns in the desert at empty beer cans and bottles. At a point, the natives just wouldn’t let us go, they seemed to be bringing more and more beer, so we couldn’t leave until we finished. The time was tight because we had the hotel booking and there were a lot of miles ahead. We chose the south rim of Grand Canyon as our next destination to save time, I passed out and Roger drove through the night.

Dreams of an actual bed and a shower were put on hold immediately after entering the Grand Canyon national park on the 3rd morning. We were admiring one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World breathless and excited at every stop. Just crossing to Nevada we stumbled upon a little town called Williams, the last one on the historic Route 66. A six-pack of Coors Light and we are on the way again!

Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas!

I didn’t really know what to expect. Casinos everywhere, luxury, free drinks, beautiful ladies? Yes, yes and yes. Vegas cannot disappoint, or so we thought. Vodka&Cranberry, beer, tequila with “Bison Shit”, cigars…what a night it was, completely out of control, reckless and joyful, creating one of those experiences that you don’t forget for a while. You know the movie “Hangover”? Yes, the first part. Well, my story was not that far off, in the morning: freaking out about losing my passport (my Lithuanian ID was not accepted at some tables), remembering to have bought cocaine last night, finding the passport, realizing to be robbed. (The details will not be disclosed to keep author’s good name). I would also remember contemplating pros and cons of sleeping on the sidewalk, be reminded of dancing in front of the Valet and then followed by the security, god, shameful…We lost our party money from the room because of me, the morning sucked and our visit was effectively ruined, but we still had 1 more night booked in the hotel. Trying to free our minds from thinking about lost cash, we went out as true tourists, got drunk in public (which is allowed in Vegas), admired the Strip, Bellagio fountains, amazing mix of lights and beautiful architecture. The night ended after multiple tequila shots with new friends from Abu Dhabi.

We checked out of Stratosphere the next noon and couldn’t wait to get out of the city that was so disappointing. We couldn’t have been in a worse situation and decided to hit the Roulette table with one last 20 dollar bill. If there’s a place to turn luck around – this is IT! In the next 4 hours Roger was up 400 dollars, and we were getting coronas, wine, cigars, cocktails and more chips! Oh, what a godly feeling it was to finally forget about the first day, to laugh again, to be energized. We spent the next 16 hours hoping from Casino to Casino on the strip, wasting money, having the sickest time and just not caring. Sin City took a lot of us, but we ended on a high note, winning some money back and actually enjoying ourselves.

Vancouver was 2445 kilometers away, so we decided to go back without stopping as much. We took off on the Interstate-15 towards Los Angeles, through Mojave Desert. The horizon was mesmerizing throughout – shade of blue perfectly blended with the golden rush of sunset. Spending 4 hours in San Francisco the next day was not enough, making me want to come back. No doubt, it’s one of those cities where you can feel a good vibe right away, see happy and laid-back people.

The roadtrip was coming to an end and were enjoying the warmth of California, wine fields, road by the ocean and sunshine. Deep into the night it changed to a dark, extra-curvy road through the heart of Oregonian forests. My reflexes were put into use, managing to avoid two deers in the middle of the road just staring at oncoming lights. We spent one last night in the car and came back to Vancouver – rainy and cold reality. It felt like being home, except that it was not anymore. Next day, Roger drove me on the Sea to Sky Highway for my next journey in Canada. I will spend the next 5 months living in a small party town, Whistler, host of 2010 Winter Olympics, one of the largest Ski Resorts in the world. No job, no friends and 200 in my pocket…let’s see where this takes me…

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Roadtrip Story. Part II. Windy City and Empire State of Mind

The harsh and hung-over reality of the morning in Milwaukee was a forgettable experience. Next destination, Chicago is a 2 hour drive south from Milwaukee…I remember calling my aunt around 11 AM, checking-out of the motel, only to reach their house 7 hours later. It is not always smiles and fun when travelling, especially if the car won’t start…

We had no idea what was wrong and how to fix the problem. Even worse, it was Sunday and Monday was supposed to be Columbus Day, so finding a mechanic seemed difficult and expensive. It was really frustrating to try stopping vehicles in the empty streets and asking if they could pull our car with a rope (battery is dead, we assumed). Then it all just flipped. Dan budged over a wire connected to the battery and the car made the magic “beep” we wanted. With our luck back, we hit the road again.

First impression of Chicago – endless highways, rushing drivers, construction works and the forsaken tolls! We ended up spending at least 20 dollars and stopping 7-8 times, just to pay for the road. I was getting anxious to finally get to my godparent’s, who I have seen just once since they moved a decade ago. It’s hard to explain the sudden rush of warm emotions and the strange feeling of using mother tongue in a non-Skype environment after 6 months. After bidding farewell to Dan, I spent my next 4 days in Homer Glenn having the time to reflect on the road past, while looking ahead.

The weekend in downtown Chicago with my cousin was filled with two things – sightseeing and partying. We did our fair share of Jäger-bombs, whiskey, bars, beer, clubs, but I am not all bad. Tourist mode hadn’t been forgotten as well, The Windy City has loads of attractions to offer. Starting from the usual suspects in Millennium Park, Navy Pier to John Hancock Observatory, Michael Jordan statue and so much more…Remembering now, the whole weekend was a perfect mix of getting loose, partying and seeing the sights.

Random Rhetorical question. What gets you feeling like a champion? Hint: Usually occurring in New York. Hint 2: Jay-Z.

Prior to leaving to Chicago’s downtown, my aunt gave me a 2 dollar bill to put in my wallet. She considered it as a sign of good luck, since the bills are really rare in daily use. Once again, the last morning before leaving…my wallet was nowhere to be found for 5 hours! Hard and long hangovers were becoming a habit.

Up next – figuring out a way to be in Seattle in 5 days for another roadtrip. I also knew there was no chance of leaving east coast without a glimpse of the Empire City. Keeping a low budget in mind, I booked quite a multi-destination flight for a fair price. My itinerary:

 Chicago > Charlotte > New York >> 40 hours in NYC >> New Jersey > Charlotte > Seattle

The strange feeling when I came to Chicago overwhelmed me upon departure as well. It felt weird visiting one of the biggest U.S. cities and being surrounded by Lithuanians – my cousin’s friends, my aunt and uncle, their friends. It was incredible at the same time too. After promising my aunt another visit, I left O’Hare airport with the majestic scenery of Chicago’s bright lights through my window…

The plane landed in LaGuardia airport around noon. Once again, I had no idea where and how I would get around, but the excitement to explore the most famous city on earth was above everything. The plan/hope was that my Couchsurfing host would give me some sound advice on sightseeing. My new friend Robert met me at the gate and became my tour guide for the next two days. We got on the public transport. I would recommend any traveler to choose the underground to get by in NYC. New York subway is one of a kind, really old, enormous and stretches throughout the boroughs. Street musicians, break dancers, businessmen, true New Yorkers, any ethnicity, any color…30 bucks for a week pass is well worth the money, even with my 40 hours.

Manhattan astounded with skyscrapers, which look even taller than in the movies. With all its screens, Times Square is an enormous pedestal for commercials, information and entertainment. Rockefeller plaza is one of the top tourist attractions with the skating-rink in the center (already constructed in mid-October). Shops on the 5th avenue represents luxury and high-class with the most known brands worldwide. Central Park is a piece of nature to run away from the busy streets where red traffic lights are non-existent and 1/3 of all vehicles seem to be taxis. The night continued through Madison Square Garden, New York university area, East and West villages, a Saloon meeting some more couchsurfers. Pricey Stella was well worth having at 230-fifth on a Rooftop Garden soaking in the breathtaking view of night skyline, with the highlight of Empire State Building.

The next day I had one of the most random and incredible run-ins on the street. I was taking a picture of the One World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan when I recognized Dutch and the voice behind me. It was my friend who I partied in Vancouver three months ago, visiting New York. Random!!! Back in Midtown Manhattan the streets were closed for good 20 minutes. Barack. Everyone had to yield for Mr. President, along with an entourage of at least 20 vehicles and 10 motorbikes following him. Later, I went to the rooftop of the Rockefeller Center and met my host after work. After dinner in Koreatown and a cup of a latte in Brooklyn, admiring the Bridge and skyline from the other side of Hudson River, I still had 7 hours before my flight. We decided to share one last beer on the balcony of my friend’s office.

Quick check on the internet showed the last train to New Jersey was leaving in less than three hours. Depending on luck, to get my luggage and catch the last train should take me exactly that. We had to leave, immediately…

Here we go again…


Some of the best moments from both cities

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Roadtrip Story. PART I. Vancouver to Chicago

Vancouver to Chicago

Preparations for the biggest road-trip of my life were ridiculous, without any plan in place. I had to move on from my life in Vancouver as well. First thing I messed up was forgetting to give a 14 day notice to my restaurant that I’m quitting. Then I told my landlord that I’m moving out, without any idea what’s next. Just knew I’ll get to East Coast somehow.

I remember e-mailing a random guy through craigslist, who was supposedly leaving on a road-trip at the end of September. I had 5 days left to move out (Sept. 30th) and still had not heard anything from him. My search for transportation was unsuccessful, everything seemed so unclear. I decided to have one last summer blast at one of the Gulf Islands nearby Vancouver. Party the problems away.

Wise decision (thankfully) it turned out to be. Mid-week getaway filled with a lot of electro music, sunshine, kayaking (oops!), shooting at cans, passing out, playing beer-pong, watching deer running around, emptying the keg…Couldn’t have asked for a better good-bye to Vancouver. Shout out to two damn awesome Canadian dudes! In the midst of all the relaxation, I managed to contact the random traveler and we agreed to meet up for a beer. We met after work around 1 AM on 29th at Two Parrots.

38 Hours later my new travel partner Dan is picking me up at a gas station in Kitsilano. From the looks of it, there are three of us! A girl from Germany, Antonia, who’s going all the way to Winnipeg

After driving all the way to Nelson, avoiding some animals on the road, we found a parking lot to sleep at. My long legs were not happy about me sleeping on the back seat, but I would soon be re-energized. Morning was rough and cold. The conditioner of the car was not working and we couldn’t see anything because of the steamed windows and the morning sun…which we realized when we got on a busy road and it got dangerous. We needed to stop immediately, which we did. I opened the door to see that we were standing around 15 centimeters from the cliff, almost rolling the car over. Our trip could have ended here. Phew.

Still sluggish and slow, we needed some positivity for the trip. A hike up to the Pulpit Rock seemed perfect. We got the muscles working again and reached the top after good 40 minutes. Soaking in the breathtaking views of Nelson in the Beautiful British Columbia, hitting the beach and jumping into the lake to refresh ourselves. Now it feels like the Trip has started!

It was my turn to drive. The road for the next 3 hours was amazing. Admiring enormous forests, taking curvy turns, putting the gas on the straight line with Rocky Mountains in the background. It all lasted until the sunset upon entering Alberta. Except for a few road-kills, there wasn’t much to see. Decided to drive as far as possible and stop at Moose Jaw. Note, the province of Saskatchewan has some funny city names, like ‘’Swift Current, Uranium City, Yellow Grass”, to make it interesting. Not impressed by scenery, however, I must mention that people in these provinces are actually even more helpful and friendly, compared to the fast pace of Vancouver. I pass out at 4 AM, not far from Manitoba.

Arrival to Winnipeg is a fairly early one, afternoon-ish. With the GPS making us drive meaningless circles, we finally reach Starbucks, to kill the thirst for internet. We are greeted by a huge fire spreading right by us at the railroad tracks. Chaos in the air. Car keys get locked inside our Ford Escort, but two meaningless hours later, the good old crowbar&hanger method saves the day. After another hour, we finally find my hostel and the smelly, angry, tired crew parts ways. Too dull, too boring, too cold and windy. That’s how I remember the city, waiting for the road-trip to continue. Meanwhile, when there’s nothing to do, imagine two Frenchies and a Lithuanian borrowing a couple Manitoban license plates, so they could hang in a garage in north France. I said, Imagine, right?

On the road again, just two of us, no females aboard this time! Boredom of Trans-Canada highway and snowstorm alert in Ontario change the plan to go south, entering USA. After getting fingerprints taken and answering several questions at the border, we enter the land of cheap gas, cigarettes and liquor…or, welcome to North Dakota!

Friday night and we find ourselves in Minneapolis? Off we go into some more trouble. Long-islands, jack&cokes and a few beers, helps to forget the promise not to split up, as we part different ways in downtown. That was fast. A bruised lip on my face reminds an Epic fall on my face in front of the club last night. I know, disgusting! Memory’s still blurry, a good thing, I guess…We calm our stomachs with some fast food at Mall of America – the biggest one in the world. Food court is packed…the sheer amount of American families spending their weekend gobbling burgers and french fries. Sad. But hey, have fun, while we get out of here.

Random wisdom. America has 48 different states. Liquor store closing times vary.”

Autumn theme and 5 hours in the car through Wisconsin takes us all the way to Milwaukee. Known for its brewing traditions and Water street bars, the city makes you feel guilty if you don’t party. 8 Jameson shots, some beers, the damn long-islands, vodka redbulls…Bar hopping takes us to the famous Coyote Ugly. Crazy women dancing on the bar, next thing I know, my hands are tied with a bra and we’re doing body shots of tequila. Not surprisingly, splitting up again and fading out on my own. I’m still wondering how did I catch a cab that night…or how a hooker night worker ended up in the seat next to me…or why did she…? (part of this story has been censored by the author, in order to keep his good name among peers)

Next morning, my headache is banging from inside, the shower floor is covered in wet clothes and its 11 AM – motel’s worker knocks and tells us to get out. My dollars are gone, my friend lost his Canadian bank card. After failed attempts to find it, we decide to block it and get out of the city. Our final destination of Chicago is just an hour drive, or so it seems…Starbucks comes in handy once again, as we contact the bank through Skype to block the account. After spending 3 hours in Milwaukee trying to figure out ourselves we can finally go again. Except that when I put the key in ignition, the car won’t start…

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Vancouver PRIDE 2012

Rainbow colors, smiley faces, marching bands – a big party in the heart of Vancouver. From dancing hippies to pink skateboarders, from sexy chicks to fit guys, from bank trucks to vintage ambulances, from straight to transexual, from kids to elderly. Everybody was there. And happy too.

Such a difference. Yes, in comparison to Lithuania. Not that it’s a surprise though, considering just simple facts. First Pride parade in Vancouver was held in 1978, same sex marriage was legalized in 2005. Lithuania “experienced” its first Pride in 2010, which came on a lot of scrutiny from the society, media, government and spectators. Haven’t had a chance to see it happen myself (Turkey Summer 2010), but here’s an idea of just how bad it was. Sad.

It was nothing like that on August 5th, here in Vancouver. I managed to give away my morning shift to get the day off and go see what’s so special about it. Me and my buddy from work met up just around noon and headed off towards Denmann street. After we shared a spliff and poured a new “Latte” in the coffee cup by the Inukshuk statue at English Bay, we heard the sounds of the parade getting closer. Managed to get a pretty decent spot to enjoy the view. Streets were packed, as well as windows and patios all around the parade route.

We happened to stand by a woman in her mid 40s, who knew everything about the parade. You can tell that she was a participant before, with people from the parade coming to say ‘Hi’ to her. She told us all about the festivities afterwards, about the insights that you don’t notice as a spectator. For example, the Fire Department guys march not because they’re all gay but because they give support to the LGBT community. Having the over-sized super vehicles, various alarms in them and water to refresh the crowd on such a hot day is damn cool, if you ask me.

The weather probably couldn’t have been any better as well, sun was shining from the early morning. Parade ended at 3 PM with the party making its way to the Sunset Beach, a block from my place. We went to get more beers from the private liquor store and hung out on the grass by the beach meeting some random people and sipping those “Lattes”. I insisted on trying out the COLT45’s – a beer made famous by Tupac and Eazy-E, gangsta rappers. Some friends told me it tastes like shit and gets you fucked up. Cheap too. The beer was yucky, so we left two cans out of six just on the grass for someone else to finish them off. We went to the dance area, to realize that we will not stay long there, still…a bit TOO gay for a couple of straight guys.

The day went on and the decision to get back to my place and hide from the sun was great. We met a girl holding three wine bottles and entering my building. “There’s a party somewhere around” – I thought. After a short chat we rolled another spliff made a couple of Jack Daniel’s Ginger Ales and pressed the button 7 in the elevator. The BBQ party was on the top floor overlooking the whole beauty of Sunset Beach, Kitsilano, Stanley Park with the sun gently touching every single area around.

We just came in as two strangers and were welcomed warmly in a sick PRIDE after-party. We shared a spliff with the father of the guy who was responsible for all of this. Dad was really cool about us just randomly showing up and even share some beers. After a while though, I was pretty baked, cooked, roasted and poached, haha. Those are just some of the terms that me and my friend started using to describe our state of being wasted. We work in a restaurant and he’s a cook, after all. After an hour or so, I decided to call it a day and passed out on my bed pretty early. Woke up 6AM the next day and had a refreshing walk in the PRIDE area, seeing everything getting back to normal.

Even though people say the parade is not what it once used to be, it was something I’ve never seen before. One step separates hate and tolerance. Vancouver took that step a long time ago. Everyone should too and get over themselves.

I leave you this time with a gallery from the parade.

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When’s the last time you kissed a guy?

Of course, you will have to read all the way down, to see what’s the title about;)

Summer hit nicely down here. Vancouver’s not too hot though, around 25 °daytime and 15 °in the night. You always get that fresh ocean breeze, even though it’s separated with Vancouver Island. Always cool.

My life has changed quite considerably once again in the past two months. Couple of roommates moved out, new ones came in. Living now with a Japanese girl and a Canadian dude. Both of them are different, both cool people. Japanese girl always has this neat-tidy-nice-to-everyone character and sometimes it gets a bit under your skin, but usually you just realize the differences, accept them and try to adjust to them. That’s what life is all about.

On another, not as philosophical, note, I could only concur that I’ve been having so much fun! (it’s not the best way how to use that word in italics).

First of all, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment in the living room. There’s no wall, but there’s an entrance to the patio only from my room. Right in downtown, 2 minute walk from the Sunset Beach.  Rent is not that expensive and the area is the friendliest I’ve ever seen. West End – Gay district. 2 blocks from Davie – the street with gay clubs, pubs, adult stores, even a 24/7 sauna.

Mind you, I’m coming from Lithuania. The Eastern block, former Soviet Union. No matter how much I love my country, it is, a homophobic one and that’s not even an argument. Just the way it is. That’s why living here was a bit of a challenge at first.

Lived with a gay guy as well. So different, so new and so cool. Going out to gay clubs is not the most thrilling experience for a straight guy, but it can be really enjoyable. Seeing other men kissing and holding hands might be shocking to some at first, but you just accept it and move on. Getting hit on by a guy is err…exceptional. When a guy tried to kiss me, my friend interrupted telling I was “taken” already. Thank GOD I didn’t do THAT! – I thought. A Stick has two ends though, as Lithuanians say.

Another night out was different. In a simple way – we were really drunk. U tend to do some crazy shit on those nights. My friend was making jokes, that I’m gonna kiss a dude and I was just laughing it off. In the morning I didn’t remember much. As it turns out, I found myself a nice guy and just made out with him. Felt pretty bad afterwards, I recall. To check if I still got it on the other front, I just brought back a random girl home and you know the rest. More straight than an arrow;) In all seriousness, this new environment just changes you as a person, I think in a good way. Not sure if Kissing a Guy was on my Bucket List, but I can cross it off none the less.

The summer is amazing down here. It’s always gonna be a good day off on the beach. If I would recommend, I would say go to these two. Wreck Beach. To reach it, a beautiful area of British Columbia University has to be passed and ~470 steps climbed down. You have naked chicks with frozen mojitos, daquiris or beers walking around. That’s a nude beach, where nobody gives a damn.  I’ve gone all out with my clothes and it’s a perfect way to chill and get a sun tan. Not that I would be comfortable naked with anyone I know, but it’s the best when you are alone. Picking up girls on the beach is not that hard as well. Random things help. For example, I know how to juggle tennis balls, just for fun. That always attracts attention and it’s easier to start a conversation. Even though I juggle on the beach just for my amusement and now I’m not gonna pick up any girl who reads this. Not that I care.

Third beach. Tuesday Sunset party. Heard a lot of good things before I checked it out. It’s much closer to downtown but far enough so that cops don’t bother too much. Reachable through Stanley Park, which makes it so much more amazing. Every Tuesday there’s a band who plays drums. Playing with fire going around, everybody’s dancing, drinking, swimming and having a party. Just when the sun reaches it’s lowest point and starts hiding behind the mountains, the beat of drums reaches its highest point  and slows down after it’s dark.

Just a little glimpse of that with my crappy phone camera:

House parties, swimming under the moon, biking around, tanning naked, talking to strangers, hitting on Canadian girls, having no wall in your room, living in downtown, staying up late, beaching…It all just adds up to an A+ experience.

Even though the summer is past its midpoint, I feel that the times are just getting better and more unpredictable again. Probably have a  couple of wild months left in Vancouver and will be ready to head of to the East Coast. Where exactly? Have no idea. Gonna make some money and take off looking for another adventure. And now, it’s time to sleep and wait for the weekend. The culmination of Celebration of Light on Saturday and the 5th biggest PRIDE parade in the world on Sunday. Should be around 650,000 people on the streets. I’ll be sure not to forget my camera and a few joints.

That’s all for now. Smile;)

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Water Taxi, Drunken Birthday and…

Every single one of us sometimes catch ourselves in the moment and wonder: “Wow, Time Flies…” You might remember your firs bike ride, your first kiss, your first time moving out of parent’s place, your first…

If you are reading this, you might have noticed a counter on the right side of the blog, which says “Time Left…”. That’s the duration of my Working Holiday. I remember when it showed 11 months, now it’s down to nine. Still seems like a long way to go, but in a blink, all of this will be a memory. That kind of awareness helps me to get the most. Maybe that is why I would rather have 4 beers with my buddies instead of just a couple. Maybe that is why I would be interested in making friends with two African dudes in a pub. Maybe that is why I would sleep 3 hours before work instead of 8. Maybe that is why I would choose to be hung over in the morning. Maybe that is why I would kiss that girl. Maybe that is why I would say YES, instead of a NO…

It has been almost 3 months in Canada. Feels like I am settling down in Vancouver and it’s becoming my home. Ever heard of Maslow’s Pyramid? Looks like I have the first 4 needs down and the fifth is in progress. We all have needs and when we have it good (or bad), naturally, want want to make it better. Or different. Higher salary, faster car, larger TV, higher social status, recognition, you name it.  If you don’t, then you might be just stuck in a routine everyday and stop enjoying the little things. View from your balcony, brief shower from the sky, morning coffee, heck, even a bus ride, while listening to your favorite song.

I enjoy working in my restaurant. The surroundings are amazing, all the managers are cool, the general feel of respect around employees, simple “Thank You’s” after something you are supposed to do anyway, all of that adds up. But that’s not what makes it fulfilling experience. It’s the people working there. Fist pumps, silly jokes, constant chats between guys about the hostesses, teamwork, evenings after busy days, in-house betting on sports. Doing a good job and having fun. Work hard, play harder.

Most of the staff I work with are born and raised here (except for the 90% of Filipinos in the kitchen). No secret that Vancouver has one of the largest immigrant populations in the world (around 40% of all residents). I believe the perfect way to get to know the culture of a country is through the local people. High number of newcomers, though, makes it that much harder here in VanCity. Many that come for better life, experience or to polish their English, end up hanging out mostly with other International people or the ones from their country. Looking strictly from the language learning aspect: if you surround yourself with people that have the same (or worse) level of English, if you use your mother tongue daily, don’t expect to get THAT much better. And don’t ask me where I learned my English (I’m not happy enough with it anyway).

Back to the fun parts. I’ll do a section of tips separately. Hopefully soon;)

It’s always good to have a direction where you want to go rather than knowing exactly where, when, what and how. Sometimes, the best plan is NO plan. I forever wanted to use one catchy phrase from the movies. So the other day, when somebody asked me “What’d u do last night?”, I was like “It was cool, we Rolled up to a StripJoint and had fun!”. And that was an evening totally random, totally unplanned and totally awesome!

I usually don’t refuse a joint of other kind as well. It’s just too common here. You can call me peer pressured, weak, whatever… My buddy made a good point the other day. Sitting on the bench by the Lost Lagoon, admiring wild geese fights, bats flying around, sipping beers and rolling: “Everybody smokes weed here. Essentially, if you like to light up once in a while, it means that you are chill, cool to hang out and have a chat with. If you don’t, well, then you’re probably not. Even though it’s illegal, it’s just not forced out here, everybody’s just cool about it”. And that’s Vancouver!

Blazing. That’s the word! Total “chillness” after work is usual. I still thank my buddy for riding his bike in 10 minutes to the liquor store to get us a couple of six packs of tall Canadians. Was a cool night to talk about life on the silent Granville Island.

Another example? Check ✔ Met this random Canadian girl on the beach around a month ago. Got into talking and…surprise! Turns out, she’s got a bottle of wine and a huge bag of weed in her purse. Blaze up! We went to get another bottle of cheap wine and it was done deal after that. Of course, we exchanged numbers and Facebook details in the morning, but I will never call her again. And she knows it. Too easy. Call me a “bad guy”, but I am always honest with girls. If you lie about yourself just to make an impression and to get into someone’s pant(ie)s…now that’s low.

Where’s the damn Water Taxi mentioned in the title? You might ask. Well, that’s my public transport to work. It’s pretty awesome to go to work this way;) I happened to make a movie of my trip to work. A crappy one, mind you, it’s my first one. No shakiness next time!

Some situations are sad and funny at the same moment. Noticed a nicely wrapped package on the SkyTrain the other day. Funny enough that nobody seemed to care about it, so I just took it. Turned out – it was a cake “Joti Happy Birthday” written on top. So sad that someone forgot a birthday cake on public transport, but I don’t mind making myself smile with a ton of sugary stuff.

Had my birthday a week ago. Ahhhh…what an awesome day. Starting up with a few beers and a salmon burger at a nice restaurant. Heading to Amsterdam cafe to drink coffee…come on! Of course not! First time I used the vaporizer. That thing is awesome! Going to the park and blasting a 1,75liter bottle of Jack Daniels with my buddies…enjoying a true Cuban cigar…getting “quite a few” pitchers of the awesomely cheap beer at The Cambie to finish off the night…those are the memories for life…

As I said, I like not knowing and not having a plan. But it’s always good to have a direction. And this quote is my direction.

“…and as for travelling alone…fuck it. If that’s the way it has to be, then that’s the way it is.”

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